Thursday, February 21, 2008

Digesting a Meatball Sundae

I read several books from Seth Godin, the lastest one being "Meatball Sundae". From all my Godin's readings, I would summarize in a nutshell some of the core ideas:

The best marketing is in the product:
Every interaction your company has with its clients is a marketing opportunity

Tell an authentic story
Be sure that from your receptionist to the CEO, from your homepage to your product design, all is aligned properly, telling the same (authentic) story. It does not have to be true, but it has to be authentic and match people's believes (do you really think wall-mart is working hard to sell products are cheap as possible? No, but they tell us that, and we do want to believe it).

Inverse the megaphone: let your clients speak out
The old marketing was: make average products for average people. Buy ads and sell your products. With the money you make with the ads, buy more ads. And so on... The idea was to "shout" at people: my product is for sell, buy it. Well, this does not work anymore. Too many choices, too many types of clients, too many marketing channels. So invest the money you have in the product you have (improve it!), and let your customers tell you what's great and what's not. If you do that, your clients will connect with your company, and they'll start telling their friends how great your company/product/service is.

Go on the edge.
Be different. Do not be average in what you do. Think of the MP3 analogy: successful MP3 players are either cheap or remarkable. For 20U$, you can buy an MP3 on Amazon. People would buy it because it's cheap. On the other hand, for 299U$ (15 times more!!), you can buy an ipod. People would buy it because it's remarkable. Now, think of the ZUNE. It's neither cheap, nor remarkable. It's just average. And people do not want this anymore. Stop making average products and make either the cheapest, the most expensive, the smallest, the whatever-est, but do not make average products.

The last one (my favorite actually):
It easier to find products for your clients than to find clients for your products

Can you apply all of the above?

Change of apartment and office every month

If you're bored living in the same apartment, same city and with the same colleagues, I think it's time for you to change. And guess what? It's fairly easy:

1- Start an online business (fully automated)
2- Take a map and choose the cities you wanna 'explore'
3- Go to and book an apartment + office on the cities you have selected.
4- Get a ticket online and start the journey.
