It's been a few weeks since I have started organizing my life a bit differently, using what I would call the bi-tasking model. I've read several articles and heard several podcasts on productivity, banning multi-tasking. Well, I agree but to some extend only. Let me explain: During a whole day, we normally go through several phases that I categorize as follow:
1- Active Time: these are the times where you interact with people, concentrate on a given task or simply read a book. These phases require your full attention or it can be either dangerous (driving and talking on the phone....), very impolite (pretending listening to someone while watching a beautiful woman passing along) or simply unproductive (try reading a booking while watching tv...).
2- Passive Time: as opposite to the active phase, passive are moments during the day where you are doing something that does not require your full attention/concentration (cleaning the dishes, sitting in a bus, waiting your turn at the doctors..).
3- Sleeping Time
After looking at the use of my time, I realized that I was spending several hours a week in passive mode. I do clean the dishes :), I take the bus or train or plane at least once a week, I go (walk) food shopping, etc... During this time (that I now call the dead-time learning moments), I multi-task by listening to my ipod - I learn new things every day (currently learning spanish, thai, internet marketing classes and french history) by using these dead-time moments.
But be careful not to fall in the trap of keeping your ear-plugs day long. Connect with people is still the most interesting and valuable time you can have in a day.