Thursday, February 15, 2007

Being productive.

You have to buy this book.

I have read it, twice. And that gives you an amazing new approach on how to clear your head and to become super creative and efficient. I have been working online for many years now and from day one, I multi-tasked - or I should say - as David Allen puts it - I kept my time refocusing on different projects.

Also, 43folders gives you great tips and features a podcast on productivity. There's an hour or so of recording with the author of Getting Things Done, david Allen.

Finally, I recommend anyone interested in starting a business online to check that website (and they have a very interesting podcast with tips and advices on being an online entrepreneur). One of the interesting concept they talk about is the idea of building systems making money for you - independently of the hours you work everyday (of course, this once the system has been created!).

Alright, I have tons of things to blog and I am sure I'll be back very soon with more... (Try blogging with a few glasses of wine, and all your inspiration soares!!)